Mepps Aglia - E Brite nuovi cucchiaini Mepps per il 2017. Questi rotanti Mepps hanno l'ancoretta potenziata con l'imizatione di un uovo di salmone, e vantano fantastici colori delle palette. Ideali per spinning alla trota e light game in genere.
The Mepps Aglia - e combines the proven, fish-attracting properties of Mepps® Aglia® spinner with the look and feel of a single egg - a favorite meal of trout, steelhead and salmon everywhere. During certain cycles of the spawning seasons, fish become very focused on eggs as their main source of food. The Aglia®-e takes advantage of the fish's fixation. Available in 6 sizes, 6 fish-catching colors, a gold or silver Aglia® blade and single or treble hook, you're sure to find the exact combination to tempt the trout or salmon in your stream.
L’Aglia - e de Mepps combine les propriétés attractives de la gamme Aglia. Elle ressemble à s’y méprendre à un œuf, plat préféré des truites fario, arc en ciel et saumon. En période de frai, les poissons se concentrent sur les œufs. C’est alors leur principale source de nourriture. L’Aglia-e tire avantage de cette obsession.
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