Geecrack Yam Stick

Da 12.00€ Da 9.69€


Geecrack Yam Stick. Il Geecrack Yam Stickè un esca molto versatile e polivalente. Il suo corpo con spessore variabile (sottile in testa e piu' spesso in coda) gli consente un affondamento molto naturale ed addescante. La codina sfinata produce vibrazioni anche nella pesca a fermo "do nothing". Può essere utilizzata con molteplici tipi di inneschi: spiombato, jig head, dropshot, splishot, wacky rig e texas rig. Mescola della gomma morbidissima, con scent al gambero. 


An irresistible new addition to the stick bait market, the Geecrack Yam Stick Soft Stick Bait is the result of a perfect synthesis of tantalizing action and a fish-friendly profile. It is designed around a tapered body that starts slim at the head and builds bulk as it transitions to the tail end before abruptly dropping to a quivering pintail. This body shape not only appeals to bass, but its aerodynamic properties also aid in making ultra-long, highly accurate casts to cover water more efficiently. Distinguishing itself from the rest of the pack, the Geecrack Yam Stick Soft Stick Bait is constructed with perforations midway through the body that help anglers find the perfect hook placement while also bolstering hook up ratios. To find more bites and encourage fish to hang on longer, the Yam Stick Baits are infused with Geecrack’s SAF material which is comprised of salt, amino acid, and flavor. Deadly when weightless, Texas rigged, Neko rigged, or on your favorite wacky jig, the Geecrack Yam Stick Soft Stick Bait is a smart addition to soft plastic arsenals everywhere.

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Immagine di Geecrack Yam Stick
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14.70 cm6 pcs
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Immagine di Geecrack Yam Stick
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Immagine di Geecrack Yam Stick
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12.20 cm7 pcs
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14.70 cm6 pcs
12.00€ 9.69€
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Immagine di Geecrack Yam Stick
#310 Cinnamon Gill
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Immagine di Geecrack Yam Stick
#011 Bluegill
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12.20 cm7 pcs
12.00€ 9.69€
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14.70 cm 6 pcs
12.20 cm 7 pcs

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