Castaic CHARLIE WALKER weedless InvisiRig Umbrella Rig

Da 17.99€


Once again, Castaic has raised the bar to new heights in the world of fishing. Just months after innovating 'Bama Rigs to allow them to be fished weedless, Castaic now unveils an invisible 'Bama Rig that is sure to change the world of fishing. Because Fluorocarbon is light, these rigs can be fished shallower, and slower. Wary bass respond better to these rigs than they do metal ones. The InvisiRig comes in two colors - White Silver Flake and Tennessee Shad. The Charlie Walker InvisiRig adds one more twist - weedless and invisible. These ultralight rigs allow an angler to fish ledges, and crawl the rig in areas no other 'Bama rig dare venture

Colore Selezionato

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Imperial Metric
White Silver3 Arm + 2 weight
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