Owner Stinger Treble ST-36BC

Da 6.99€


Owner Stinger Treble ST-36 BC ancorette Owner ST36 dal corpo trattato anticorrosione con finitura Black Chrome, sono l'ideale partner dei Vostri artificiali per la pesca a spinning in saltwater e freshwater. La punta delle ancorette Owner ST-36 garantisce una penetrazione eccezionale. Ottime ancorine di ricambio per hardbaits e spinner. The Owner Stinger Treble Hook ST-36 BC features wide-gap round bend hooks that bite deep and hold hard, allowing you to get more fish that you hook in the boat. The innovative feature is the way the eye is attached to the three hooks.. The Owner Stinger Treble Hooks are painstakingly engineered from four separate pieces, three hooks soldered in a perfect trilateral configuration and the eye attached directly on top of the center of the hooks for a balanced treble hook that will hang perfectly and help your lure run straight and true. These hooks are being used by some of the top lure manufacturers because they know they will help their baits track straight and true. The Owner Stinger Treble Hooks feature ultra-sharp conical points that will stick to whatever touches them, which means you will get better hooksets on any bass that bites. This hook has the corrosion resistant black chrome finish that will help keep the points sharp and the hook strong even after repeated use.

Hameçon Triple Owner ST36 BC
Un hameçon triple recommandé pour toutes les pêches fines à l'appât naturel : pêche à la pierre, pêche à la pelote, ...

- Finition chromée noire résistante à la corrosion marine.
- Pointe ultra piquante, triples arrondis pour une meilleure pénétration de l'hamecon.

Articolo Misura Conf. (pz) OWNER ANCORETTA ST 36 BC 1 5 OWNER ANCORETTA ST 36 BC 2 6 OWNER ANCORETTA ST 36 BC 4 7 OWNER ANCORETTA ST 36 BC 6 8 OWNER ANCORETTA ST 36 BC 8 8 OWNER ANCORETTA ST 36 BC 10 8 - See more at: http://www.cacciaepescatognini.it/699-owner-ancoretta-st-36.html#sthash.ETccXlXo.dpuf

Colore Selezionato

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#88 pcsBlack Chrome
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#168 pcsBlack Chrome
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#47 pcsBlack Chrome
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#68 pcsBlack Chrome
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#108 pcsBlack Chrome
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#26 pcsBlack Chrome
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