Abu Garcia Diplomat V2 Travel

Da 75.00€ Da 59.99€


Abu Garcia Diplomat V2 Travel. Canne travel da spinning Abu Garcia Diplomat V2 . La famosa gamma ABU GARCIA DIPLOMAT spinning è sinonimo di mobilità e viaggi. Queste canne da spinning hanno una sezione di trasporto molto corta a causa del loro design grezzo a 4 o 5 sezioni (a seconda della lunghezza), ma pescano egregiamente e danno le stesse sensazioni di una normale canna da spinning! Canne ideali da portare in vacanza o da tenere nel bagagliaio dell'auto durante gli spostamenti per lavoro, sempre pronte a pescare! La gamma contiene una serie di diverse lunghezze e pesi di lancio, quindi molte opportunità per diverse tecniche, specie e situazioni. Le canne sono dotate di una robusta custodia tubo da viaggio!


Abu Garcia Diplomat V2 Travel spinning rods. The famous DIPLOMAT range stands for mobility and travelling. These spinning rods are very short in transport length due to their 4 or 5 section blank design, but they fish and feel like a conventional 2 section rod! Ideal rods to bring on holiday or to keep in the back of your car - always ready to fish! The range contains a number of different lengths and casting weights, so plenty of opportunities for different techniques, species and situations. The rods come with a strong travel tube case.


ABU GARCIA Diplomat v2 Travel Spinning,  Reise Angelrute. Immer mehr Angler sind bereit, für ihr Hobby weit zu reisen. Dabei haben sie oft nur wenige Möglichkeiten, eine normal geteilte Rute mitzunehmen. Die Lösung für dieses Problem sind kurzteilige Reiseruten.

Abu Garcia bietet mit der Diplomat-Familie eine Reise-Spinnruten-Serie in vier unterschiedlichen Längen und Wurfgewichten an. Die hochwertigen, 4 bis 5-fach geteilten IM6 24T Carbon-Blanks sind mit leichten  Edelstahl-Ringen, Kork-Griffen und einem ansprechenden Design ausgestattet. Zum sicheren Transport werden die Ruten in einem Cordura-Transportrohr geliefert.

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Imperial Metric
Diplomat V2 704ML
Total Length2.13 m
Closed Size-
Lure Weight Min5 gr
Lure Weight Max21 gr
Line W.-
75.00€ 59.99€
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Diplomat V2 704L
Total Length2.13 m
Closed Size-
Lure Weight Min3 gr
Lure Weight Max14 gr
Line W.-
75.00€ 59.99€
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Diplomat V2 764M
Total Length2.28 m
Closed Size-
Lure Weight Min10 gr
Lure Weight Max30 gr
Line W.-
75.00€ 59.99€
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Diplomat V2 804ML
Total Length2.43 m
Closed Size-
Lure Weight Min5 gr
Lure Weight Max21 gr
Line W.-
79.00€ 63.99€
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Diplomat V2 804M
Total Length2.43 m
Closed Size-
Lure Weight Min10 gr
Lure Weight Max35 gr
Line W.-
79.00€ 63.99€
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Diplomat V2 804H
Total Length2.43 m
Closed Size-
Lure Weight Min15 gr
Lure Weight Max55 gr
Line W.-
79.00€ 63.99€
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ModelloSezioniTotal LengthClosed SizeLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PrezzoQtyAcquista
Diplomat V2 704ML42.13 m-5 gr21 grMLM-
75.00€ 59.99€
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Diplomat V2 704L42.13 m-3 gr14 grLMF-
75.00€ 59.99€
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Diplomat V2 764M42.28 m-10 gr30 grMMF-
75.00€ 59.99€
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Diplomat V2 804ML42.43 m-5 gr21 grMLMF-
79.00€ 63.99€
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Diplomat V2 804M42.43 m-10 gr35 grMMF-
79.00€ 63.99€
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Diplomat V2 804H42.43 m-15 gr55 grHMF-
79.00€ 63.99€
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